Monday, November 7, 2011

one weakness

His deep slumber could be broken by a magical substance called Jager. It was a foul, dark brown liquid, but under the correct circumstances, could make a Raheemabobo squeal with delight thereby distracting him. Unfortunately for Tom and Squishy, the only way to obtain this mysterious substance, was to ...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

slumbering beast

Tom squishy and friends were scared but had no choice but to wake up the Raheemobobo to continue their quest for rainbow candyz. They tried poking him and sticking things up his nose but his special sleep ability was too great. His deep slumber could be broken by...

Sunday, May 22, 2011


All was well until Tom, Squishy and friends came across an extremely rare creature called the red breasted Raheemobobo a subspecies of the South American homosapiencapra genus better known as 'Goatmen'. Although he was in a heavy sleep, his large squishy half goat exteriorlay blocked the entrance of the only bridge across the ominous and turbulent Death Forever River. It seemed the only solution was to disturb the slumber of said massive creature...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

1 weakness

Their one and only weakness was very simple. If they ingested this magical item called rainbow candy.

but where could tom and his fuzzy friends get such a thing? There was only one thing he could do. He would have to travel to the swamplands of south american where legends tell of a powerful wizardess named linda.

As was well until he ran into a...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fighting time

Tom along with his fuzzy cute kitten friend named Squishy and the rest of happyland's inhabitants rightfully deemed these zombie penguins to be fucking horrifying spawns of the devil, they they began to build an army to defeat said zombie penguins. Luckily their one weakness was something very simple...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

O Sh$%!

Everyone in happyland lived in peace and happiness until slowly zombie penguins began to appear. These werent your normal everyday zombie penguins. These ones were 20ft tall with thick scaly skin razor sharp claws and an ongoing thirst for dinosaur blood.


Ok once upon a time there was a little dinosaur named tom and he lived in a magical kingdom far far away called happyland.